Dragonball Mou Takusan (MT)

Five years have passed since Goku saved earth by giving his life. Goku absorbing the dragon balls before his death, has not been seen since. Vegita, however believes son Goku visits him endlessly. Meanwhile Vegitas son, Trunks, Invents a new technology that will increase his powers dramatically. This seems like a great idea but with a new threat on the way to earth will Trunks and the others be able to control such power? Will Piccolo, who died two years ago saving earth be able to come back and help? Will Gotens Son, Goran, be able to over come his fear of power? Has Vegita gone mad? Find out here the home of Dragon ball MT

Dec 6, 2007

Chapter 5- Cafeta Saga

"Shouldn't we have at least undressed her before we put her in the
tank?" Yamcha said as the group stood in front of the tank looking at
the strange beauty inside. She floated there motionless really just
bubbles raising from the oxygen mask on her face.
"No, if she woke up in an unfamiliar land naked, I think she will be
mad." Bulma said reading the monitor. "Seems like her heart beat is
faster then humans. But from the reading it goes just a little faster
then Vegitas. From that I could only gather that where ever she is from
the gravity is pretty large."
She clicked the screen and started mumbling numbers.
"I think we will leave here here for a week see how it goes. Ill check
in on her every once and a while and let you guys know." She said to the
group wearing a short lab coat and boots. Her hair was short as bulma
got older her hair got shorter and just showing off her neck and
shoulders. The group nodded.
The group thanked her and started walking out the lab and into the
waiting room area of the house. Chiotzu floated towards the door with
them but his head was hung low.
Bulma stood infront of the glass. And studied her subject. She couldn't
part her eyes from the womans widows peak hair line.
"Must be an alien thing." She walked towards the door and turned off the
lights. The green glow from the tank filled the room. She took one more
look turned around and left the room.
Tein sat at the table at bulmas house staring at the egg. It was no
bigger then krillians head. The shell was cold and slightly tan.
"You sure you didn't just grab another dinos egg?" Yamcha said, "looks
like a dinos egg. Doesn't seem piccolo would fit inside that."
"You must be dense..." tein said
"What you don't remember when king piccolo did the same thing?" krillian
said. "I I mean I wasn't there but kami told me this story everytime I
was training there."
"No I remember the story I just thought the egg would be bigger that's
all." Yamcha corrected.
"If it was bigger it would not have been able to come out his mouth.
Common sense." Tein said studying the egg.
"So does it mean that the new piccolo could be evil?"krillan said.
"No I don't think so I mean its old kami in there as well. and piccolo
was born from pure evil and he was born evil but turned good. So yeah I
don't think so. But good question." Tein said.
"Why are we still here?" yamcha said.
"We are waiting for uub he is taking the egg to the school. Gohan wants
to train the new piccolo." Tein proclaimed.
"Makes sense." Yamcha said.
"Pssh you don't know what the word sense means." Krillan said.
"This can't seriously be our life now, we sit in a circle and talk about
nothing and nonsense. The finding of the egg was probably the most
excitement we have had since..." Tein suddenly stopped.
"Yeah I know I miss him to." Krillan said and crossed his arms and
looked at the egg.
"Um gu...guys the egg it-its cracking" Krillian stood pointing at the
The egg cracked right down the middle making jagged lines and a pink
glow came from between the cracks. A little green fist burst thru the
shell of the egg. The hand didn't move after breaking the shell. The men
stood around amazed and smiling. A tiny green foot drove its way through
the egg at the bottom breaking the egg completely open. There sat with a
giant smile a slimey baby namek, antenna buds and all.
"Guys! That's my faviorate couch. Ew!!" Bulma yelled as she walked into
the room.
Vegita flew next to his son. "I know what he is hiding, his power level
spiked beyond his normal abilities. It has to be that watch."
Vegita thought to himself as he flew with his arms crossed.
Trunks could feel how annoyed his dad was with him. What suprised him
more is he hasn't kept pushing. To find out more. TRunks looked at his
"Soon ill show them what this can do. But not untill I find Goten."he
said to himself.
"Gohan I don't understand this really. Why would piccolo be in this egg
and why didn't he do it before instead of wasting wishes?" Trunks said
Flying closer to gohan so he could drift away from his dad and pan.
"From what my dad use to tell me piccolo was a bad man. Really did a
number on the planet by destroying cities with just a mear thought.
Hundreds of people dead in a matter of moments. But dad faught him, he
was like 13 years old and beat piccolo. Killed him. It was a big deal."
Gohan said trying to remember the story.
Trunks looked at him curiously. "What does that have to..."
"Let me finish...before piccolo died he cloned himself internally and
spat out an egg with his exact replica inside. The egg had to hatch and
a baby would have to grow. Somehow with the egg he placed the thought of
revenge. When piccolo, our piccolo, was born he knew he hated my dad and
had to get revenge. So for 4 years he trained. And was really strong.
But even though he was the same piccolo geneticaly he still wasn't the
same person" Gohan declared.
"I get it now. Piccolo did the same thing now shot out a replica. And
if he did he placed his last messege in the egg so the new him would
know what to do. But what could his messege have been?" Trunks asked
"Simple....his last words... " Gohan paused " he said " raise him gohan,
I'm sorry." Gohan sped foward with his last words flash backing that
last fight with Mr. Piccolo.

"Gohan, listen to me, ill take care of him, if anything happens to pan
we have no way of bringing her back NOW GO! Kuriza is mine."
"But piccolo.." Gohan said.
"I won't say it again pan is already to hurt take her and leave."
Piccolo charged at the vengeful son of there ex foe. "Kuriza stood still
awaiting the blow. After Goku had killed his father Frieza, Kuriza was
fueld with hatred. He never got to know his father. But he knew where
the person that killed him was. Earth. But after arriving at the planet
it angered him more to find that the one called Goku was dead. And the
one named trunks, was no where to be found. The anger filled him and
allowed him to transform from an ordinary changeling to something much
much more. Wiping out most of the z fighters, he was left now with the
green man they call piccolo.
"Piccolo raised his foot to attack but kuriza anticipated the move
blocked and punched him in the leg. Piccolo tensed his leg and went for
a head bunt. The creature dodged it to follow it a knee into piccolos
chest. Fortunatly piccolo was able to move and move fast. The attacks
kept going each attack faster then the last but neighter could land a
hit with out the other not feeling it. Piccolo moved back and fired a ki
blast quickly followed behind it with a raised fist. Kuriza smacked the
ki blast right back at piccolo quickly moved behind him as he was
getting hurt and elbowed him down to the icy ground. Piccolo quickly
stood up but was not able to find his enemy.
"Show your self!!!" Piccolo yelled.
Instantly a figure appeared infront of him smiling. Placed his finger
inbetween piccolos eyes. "Gladly." He said and shot a slim energy blast
right through the skull of the namik.
His body fell to the ground. Kuriza spun around and flew after Gohan.
However there lay piccolos body. Prepared for this in his last breath
spit out an egg. The egg camoflaged itself against the icey snow ground.
But piccolo layed there motionless. He sent out one last message to
gohan. "Raise him I'm sorry."

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