Dragonball Mou Takusan (MT)

Five years have passed since Goku saved earth by giving his life. Goku absorbing the dragon balls before his death, has not been seen since. Vegita, however believes son Goku visits him endlessly. Meanwhile Vegitas son, Trunks, Invents a new technology that will increase his powers dramatically. This seems like a great idea but with a new threat on the way to earth will Trunks and the others be able to control such power? Will Piccolo, who died two years ago saving earth be able to come back and help? Will Gotens Son, Goran, be able to over come his fear of power? Has Vegita gone mad? Find out here the home of Dragon ball MT

Dec 2, 2007

Chapter 3 - Cafeta Saga

"What the hell? Is is that tr-tr-unks?" Vegita said standing up quickly
sensing the huge power comming from the north. It felt like his son and
then it vanished. "That power? It can't be him."
Vegita stood up and walked to his closet. He ripped the hawaiian shirt
off his chest and stood infront of the closet bare chested and in blue
jeans. He grabbed a white wife beater and put it on over his head.
"It seems my boy has been training to reach such a power level," Vegita
thought to himself. He knew trunks was no match for him in levels but if
he was able to reach such a level so quickly then it would mean he could
do it as well. Vegita stood at the window.
"Let the real training begin..I'm comming boy."
Trunks took a walked through the rubble. "Fuck all my work destroyed it
going to take for ever to build another Ki Developer. For now at least I
have the one on my wrist," he said mumbling to him self. He felt two
large ki levels comming his way. He knew who it was and didn't worry as
long as his dad or mom don't find out what just happened he was fine.
Although he had a feeling Pan would yell at him too. He truned around
and looked at the two flying towards him.
"Hey Gohan, Pan, down here." Trunks said as he waved them down. Gohan
noticed trunks and looked over at his daughter. She had a huge smile on
her face and instantly flew ahead of gohan towards the purple haired
"Wait pan. Damn it that girl and her hormones." Gohan said and flew
faster to catch up.
Trunks stood in place as pan flew right at him, tackling him with a
great glomp.
"Whoa babe calm down" trunks said hugging her in return.
"Calm down I never get to see you and your always busy don't tell me to
calm down. If I see you I'm going to get excited and...." pan looked
around. "What happened here? Where you attacked are you ok?"
gohan landed softly on the rubble. "This is one hell of a mess trunks is
everything okay?" gohan said looking at the two.
Trunks quickly let go of pan and blushed. "Um yes everythings fine. Just
a miscalculation on something I was working on. Luckly no one was in the
building and I built it plenty far from any town or city..." trunks
looked at gohans familiar orange and black outfit. "Haven't seen you
wear that in a while."
Gohan looked at himself up and down real quick. "Yeah well lately I've
just been having a weird feeling. Figured I should wear the weighted
suit." Trunks looked at him strangely.
"What weird feeling?"
Can't put my finger on it but its going to be big, I think, but anyway
what's the project you have been working on?" gohan finished.
"Can't really say." Trunks said and turned to pan. Her face was flushed
with anger. "Wh-whats wrong with you?"
her voice.
"No no way I was talking to both of you babe don't be like th..." trunks
sentence was interupted as all three of them felt yet another anormous
ki flying in there direction. Trunks expression changed. His eyes widend
and his jaw dropped.
"Fuck..its dad. He is going to kill me." He starts moving back wards.
Nothing was like the wrath of vegita. Gohan started to laugh.
"Its vegita so what that's your dad why are you reacting like that."
"Yeah but this was his building. I just used it." Trunks said with a
hand behind his head, nervous." Gohan and Pan's reaction matched that of
trunks after what he said.
Vegita approched fast he could already see that the building was gone he
could sense his son but really couldn't tell who the other two were. He
assumed the worst and flew faster.
"Hang on boy I'm comming..." but the worst wasn't the case vegita saw
the three.
"Kakorats boy and that brat my sons seeing? But why would trunks power
level have been so high?" vegita shifted his weight and started to
"What is the meaning of this?" vegita said looking at the three. "Tower
7 is gone? What happened." Vegita said planting his feet and crossing
his arms.
"I had an accident dad it just went out of control"
"Hey vegita," gohan said. Vegita walked right past him.
"What kind of accident? I want an explination."
Trunks moved back slowly.
"Um well you see I've been working on this thing," pointing at his
watch, "its not just a watch like it looks. But I can't tell you what it
does just yet."
In the middle of an icy nowhere stood a man in desperate search for
something he has felt for a few weeks now. He looked around for hours
and gave up on his search. If he told the others what he believed he
felt they would call him crazy. But he knows that essense he has felt it
over and over again. His third eye tells him its close but nowhere could
he find what he was looking for. Tein forced himself to ignore the cold
weathers. He warmed himself with the heat of his ki. He refused to fly
and find it, for then he might miss it. He walked up the icy path some
more. He closed both his eyes and only alowed his third eye to search.
But nothing. No heat signatures, no raising or lowering power levels.
Just that one power level staying completely still. He look back the way
he came to see if the others found anything yet. No krillian, and yamcha
still haven't tried reaching him. He took one step foward and tripped on
something hard.
Tein caught his balance and looked on what he tripped on. It was an egg
and the was frozen. He closed his eyes once more. The power he sensed
came from the egg.
"I knew it....piccolo." Tein said smiling and grabing the egg in his
hands. The egg was frozen hard. But he could feel the power level inside
was strong. He blinked his three eyes with joy.
"What I felt was right. Lets hope the egg is piccolo and kami fused as
one still and not just piccolo. Who knows what way that will turn. He
stood up and shot a ki blast into the sky to allow the others to know he
found it. As he followed his blast into the sky he picked up on
something else. Something much more powerful then the egg. He looked in
the sky and saw a craft of some sort falling out of the sky in flames
falling towards the dessert in the distance.
"What the hell is that??" tein hopped into the air and flew toward the
craft with egg on his side.
"Hopefully the guys will see it to and go that way." Tein thought as he
flew in the direction toward the desserts.

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