Dragonball Mou Takusan (MT)

Five years have passed since Goku saved earth by giving his life. Goku absorbing the dragon balls before his death, has not been seen since. Vegita, however believes son Goku visits him endlessly. Meanwhile Vegitas son, Trunks, Invents a new technology that will increase his powers dramatically. This seems like a great idea but with a new threat on the way to earth will Trunks and the others be able to control such power? Will Piccolo, who died two years ago saving earth be able to come back and help? Will Gotens Son, Goran, be able to over come his fear of power? Has Vegita gone mad? Find out here the home of Dragon ball MT

Dec 2, 2007

Chapter 1 - Cafeta Saga

The sun began to rise over the mountains and horizons. Pan opened her eyes and stretched.
"Wow is it morning already?" she asked her self as she stood up off the rock she fell asleep on.
" I better get home before dad wakes up." She blurted out while running in the opposite direction of the sun. She began to run faster as the ground she was darting on became more and more narrow. The edge of the cliff she was on was approaching just a few steps away. She placed her arms on the side of her body and dove off closing her eyes as she did so. Her body ignited in a blue aura and began to take flight in the direction of her house. Pan's face was still and concentrated. She learned to fly ages ago when she was just a little girl. But now at 18 years of age, she began to notice it as routine not as an ability she learned. She thought about it a lot. Everything is routine now. Nothing interesting happens anymore. Not like when her grandfather was around. Things have been pretty easy for her and her friends for many years now. She was indeed her grand fathers grand daughter. She loved the fight. It runs in her blood. But with out the dragon balls, nothing bad ever happens anymore. Of course little things do turn up. But nothing the police can't handle.
She approached her house and toned down her ki. She didn't want her dad sensing her and giving her a lecture about sneaking out at night again. She approached her window and opened it.
"There has to be something out there that could make this life exciting again." She thought as she entered her room.
Her room was plastered with images of family and friend. Pictures of pan and her mom. Her and trunks at prom. Piccolo and pan training for the budokai. School pictures and hundreds more. But her most prized picture sits next to her bed and she looks at every time she lays down. A picture of her grandfather goku and her standing next to one of trunk's ships. She missed him so much. He meant everything to her. To the left of her bed she had magazine pictures ripped out from martial arts magazine. Every year they had articles and pictures of the legendary goku and the legendary Mr. Satan her other grandfather. She laid in bed closed her eyes and waited for her alarm to go off.
Deep in the outer reaches of space, further then namek further then old vegita but not much further is a planet much different then earth for it is only a couple hundred years old. Sister planet to the once powerful planet vegita. This planet was small and outside the reach of old vegitas final destruction blast. In this planet was a race that kept to them selves. The people, much like the sayins had tails as well. But they mostly all scientist the planet was well advanced. The planet was names Cactune. The Cactunians you could say were the civil version of the sayin kind. They would work and raise there young to grow into smart adults. But just like any planet, there is always that one bad seed. That seed was the beautiful Cactunian, Cafeta. She was a beautiful creature with a perfect figure and curves. Her eyebrows were nicely shaped and her hair was short and bobbed with a small widows peak hair line. But as beautiful as she was, she was trouble since day one. Born with the fighters spirit and pride of the sayin race and the wisdom of the Cactune race. Myth has it she is half sayin half cactunian. But that is something no one knows just her. Since she was young she fought every child in school that stood in her way. As she grew older she learned how to build power levels in her body using the science she learned in class. By the time she was 23 she killed hundreds with one goal in mind, enslave and rule the population. Finally by the time she was 26 years old they caught her using a technology that reverses her power levels. They used the technology she invented to raise her power levels and reversed it to do the opposite but only worked while she was inside the machine. With no power level or energy she couldn't break the doors open. The cactunians voted in agreement to exile her from the planet. And days later her machine was blasted off into space so they could live in peace.
"You can't even lay a kick on me! Come on son!" Goten said to his son Goran, a dark blue haired 8 year old wearing a familiar orange gi. His very short hair allowed you to see the resemblance of his father.
"I'm trying you are to fast dad, it’s not fair. Mommmm dad won't let me hit him." Goran said pointing at Goten. Bra lay on her lawn chair wearing glasses and a bikini catching rays of the sun.
"Goten let our son hit you" she said not raising her head.
Goran rose into the air and tried to kick his dad. Goten blocked it and moved back.
" But babe your dad said if I don't train him right that he will come and get me," Goten said to his wife. Bra sat up and and looked at the two. "Daddy? Ha daddy is a puppy you can't take him serious."
Goten's mouth dropped at the thought of Vegita being called a puppy. Goran jumped "hiyaaaa" he yelled hitting his dad with a barrage of punches in the face. Goten caught his guard and blocked his sons punches and shouldered him in the chest pushing him back a few feet. " good son you caught me off guard that's great!"
"Really?" he said excited rubbing his chest.
"Yes but lets gets serious. Lets go super ok?" Goten said to his son.
"Mmhmm." Goran said making his face serious.
Goten placed his arms and fists to his sides yelled. Instantly a swirl of wind rose around his feet a yellow aura shone around his body. He looked at his son ashis eyes went from black to green. He smirked because he can see his reflection in Goran's eyes. His hair was gold. He became a super sayin.
Goran nodded knowing it was his turn. He followed his dads footsteps. Except his yell wasn't as intense as his dads. The second he felt his eyes dilate and felt his body get lighter in weight he charged at his father. His punches were fierce fast and strong. Goten couldn't help smiling as his son fought with the passion that his father fought with.
Goran spun back and landed on the ground softly and smirked.
"SPIRALING SUNSHOWER!!" Goran yelled raising his hand up in the air. Gotens eyes grew wide. He had never seen this before but no energy was emitting from his sons hands. He looked around and suddenly felt a spike of ki. He looked up and saw what seemed seven beams showering down on him he flew backwards fast but right before the beams were about to hit the ground they spiraled together into one and swung itself horizontally to the ground. Directly at goten the beam flew. Goten crossed his arms and prepared to feel the blast by trying to block it.
"Bulma damn it woman where is my fruit punch!" vegita said looking in the fridge. His eyes widened upset because he couldn't find his favorite drink.
"Veggie I told you" bulma said before getting interrupted
"Don't call me that! I am royalty. You don't call royalty veggie its an insult" he lashed at her.
Bulma rolled her eyes.
"Sorry lord veg..."
"Prince...." he corrected her.
"Sorry prince vegita.." She said sarcastically, "I told you to go get some I have 2 meetings today and no time to get your magesties precious fruit punch." She said walking past him. "I'll see you later baby, and um vegita?" she said turning around.
"What?" he said crossing his arms.
"When I get home we can play prince vegita and slave girl bulma." She said winking at him. Vegitas face turned from annoyed to pleased.
"I will see you later then...peasant." He said walking to the other room.
Vegita sat on the couch and turned on the TV. He surfed through the channels to see if anything good would be on. Nothing was on....nothing was ever on. What does one do when your only reason to live was to be better then your strongest rival. And in the end you ended up admiring him. Well that's how vegita felt on a daily bases.
"Kakorot you fool..." he whispered.
"What you miss me?" a familiar voice said right next to him.

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