Dragonball Mou Takusan (MT)

Five years have passed since Goku saved earth by giving his life. Goku absorbing the dragon balls before his death, has not been seen since. Vegita, however believes son Goku visits him endlessly. Meanwhile Vegitas son, Trunks, Invents a new technology that will increase his powers dramatically. This seems like a great idea but with a new threat on the way to earth will Trunks and the others be able to control such power? Will Piccolo, who died two years ago saving earth be able to come back and help? Will Gotens Son, Goran, be able to over come his fear of power? Has Vegita gone mad? Find out here the home of Dragon ball MT

Dec 6, 2007

Chapter 5- Cafeta Saga

"Shouldn't we have at least undressed her before we put her in the
tank?" Yamcha said as the group stood in front of the tank looking at
the strange beauty inside. She floated there motionless really just
bubbles raising from the oxygen mask on her face.
"No, if she woke up in an unfamiliar land naked, I think she will be
mad." Bulma said reading the monitor. "Seems like her heart beat is
faster then humans. But from the reading it goes just a little faster
then Vegitas. From that I could only gather that where ever she is from
the gravity is pretty large."
She clicked the screen and started mumbling numbers.
"I think we will leave here here for a week see how it goes. Ill check
in on her every once and a while and let you guys know." She said to the
group wearing a short lab coat and boots. Her hair was short as bulma
got older her hair got shorter and just showing off her neck and
shoulders. The group nodded.
The group thanked her and started walking out the lab and into the
waiting room area of the house. Chiotzu floated towards the door with
them but his head was hung low.
Bulma stood infront of the glass. And studied her subject. She couldn't
part her eyes from the womans widows peak hair line.
"Must be an alien thing." She walked towards the door and turned off the
lights. The green glow from the tank filled the room. She took one more
look turned around and left the room.
Tein sat at the table at bulmas house staring at the egg. It was no
bigger then krillians head. The shell was cold and slightly tan.
"You sure you didn't just grab another dinos egg?" Yamcha said, "looks
like a dinos egg. Doesn't seem piccolo would fit inside that."
"You must be dense..." tein said
"What you don't remember when king piccolo did the same thing?" krillian
said. "I I mean I wasn't there but kami told me this story everytime I
was training there."
"No I remember the story I just thought the egg would be bigger that's
all." Yamcha corrected.
"If it was bigger it would not have been able to come out his mouth.
Common sense." Tein said studying the egg.
"So does it mean that the new piccolo could be evil?"krillan said.
"No I don't think so I mean its old kami in there as well. and piccolo
was born from pure evil and he was born evil but turned good. So yeah I
don't think so. But good question." Tein said.
"Why are we still here?" yamcha said.
"We are waiting for uub he is taking the egg to the school. Gohan wants
to train the new piccolo." Tein proclaimed.
"Makes sense." Yamcha said.
"Pssh you don't know what the word sense means." Krillan said.
"This can't seriously be our life now, we sit in a circle and talk about
nothing and nonsense. The finding of the egg was probably the most
excitement we have had since..." Tein suddenly stopped.
"Yeah I know I miss him to." Krillan said and crossed his arms and
looked at the egg.
"Um gu...guys the egg it-its cracking" Krillian stood pointing at the
The egg cracked right down the middle making jagged lines and a pink
glow came from between the cracks. A little green fist burst thru the
shell of the egg. The hand didn't move after breaking the shell. The men
stood around amazed and smiling. A tiny green foot drove its way through
the egg at the bottom breaking the egg completely open. There sat with a
giant smile a slimey baby namek, antenna buds and all.
"Guys! That's my faviorate couch. Ew!!" Bulma yelled as she walked into
the room.
Vegita flew next to his son. "I know what he is hiding, his power level
spiked beyond his normal abilities. It has to be that watch."
Vegita thought to himself as he flew with his arms crossed.
Trunks could feel how annoyed his dad was with him. What suprised him
more is he hasn't kept pushing. To find out more. TRunks looked at his
"Soon ill show them what this can do. But not untill I find Goten."he
said to himself.
"Gohan I don't understand this really. Why would piccolo be in this egg
and why didn't he do it before instead of wasting wishes?" Trunks said
Flying closer to gohan so he could drift away from his dad and pan.
"From what my dad use to tell me piccolo was a bad man. Really did a
number on the planet by destroying cities with just a mear thought.
Hundreds of people dead in a matter of moments. But dad faught him, he
was like 13 years old and beat piccolo. Killed him. It was a big deal."
Gohan said trying to remember the story.
Trunks looked at him curiously. "What does that have to..."
"Let me finish...before piccolo died he cloned himself internally and
spat out an egg with his exact replica inside. The egg had to hatch and
a baby would have to grow. Somehow with the egg he placed the thought of
revenge. When piccolo, our piccolo, was born he knew he hated my dad and
had to get revenge. So for 4 years he trained. And was really strong.
But even though he was the same piccolo geneticaly he still wasn't the
same person" Gohan declared.
"I get it now. Piccolo did the same thing now shot out a replica. And
if he did he placed his last messege in the egg so the new him would
know what to do. But what could his messege have been?" Trunks asked
"Simple....his last words... " Gohan paused " he said " raise him gohan,
I'm sorry." Gohan sped foward with his last words flash backing that
last fight with Mr. Piccolo.

"Gohan, listen to me, ill take care of him, if anything happens to pan
we have no way of bringing her back NOW GO! Kuriza is mine."
"But piccolo.." Gohan said.
"I won't say it again pan is already to hurt take her and leave."
Piccolo charged at the vengeful son of there ex foe. "Kuriza stood still
awaiting the blow. After Goku had killed his father Frieza, Kuriza was
fueld with hatred. He never got to know his father. But he knew where
the person that killed him was. Earth. But after arriving at the planet
it angered him more to find that the one called Goku was dead. And the
one named trunks, was no where to be found. The anger filled him and
allowed him to transform from an ordinary changeling to something much
much more. Wiping out most of the z fighters, he was left now with the
green man they call piccolo.
"Piccolo raised his foot to attack but kuriza anticipated the move
blocked and punched him in the leg. Piccolo tensed his leg and went for
a head bunt. The creature dodged it to follow it a knee into piccolos
chest. Fortunatly piccolo was able to move and move fast. The attacks
kept going each attack faster then the last but neighter could land a
hit with out the other not feeling it. Piccolo moved back and fired a ki
blast quickly followed behind it with a raised fist. Kuriza smacked the
ki blast right back at piccolo quickly moved behind him as he was
getting hurt and elbowed him down to the icy ground. Piccolo quickly
stood up but was not able to find his enemy.
"Show your self!!!" Piccolo yelled.
Instantly a figure appeared infront of him smiling. Placed his finger
inbetween piccolos eyes. "Gladly." He said and shot a slim energy blast
right through the skull of the namik.
His body fell to the ground. Kuriza spun around and flew after Gohan.
However there lay piccolos body. Prepared for this in his last breath
spit out an egg. The egg camoflaged itself against the icey snow ground.
But piccolo layed there motionless. He sent out one last message to
gohan. "Raise him I'm sorry."

Dec 5, 2007

Chapter 4 - Cafeta Saga

Goran finished his 3400th push up. He was tired not because of the
amount of push ups but because the gravity is 500 times more then that
on earth. Not saying that young Goran wasn't on earth but that Goten
found training in the gravity room that Vegita gave Goran for his 5th
birthday was good. Goran's speed was much faster then then Gotens was at
his age.
"Can I go play my Capsule Gamestation 3 yet dad??" Goten yelled at the
mirror in the room. The loud speaker turned on.
"Yeah son you did good today go on ahead to your room ill join you in a
second." Goten sat at the monitor with his mouth wide open.
The monitor read a power level of 65,000,000.
"Goran already at the age of 5 has a power level stronger then me and
trunks as gotenks when we were younger," he thought then smiled, " I
think its time you weren't a secret anymore Goran I think its time to
introduce you to everyone not just your grandpa Vegita."
Tein flew as fast as he could. He could feel himself scared. He didn't
know what he would be up against he just knew everytime something fell
from the sky, the earth was in danger. The diffrence this time was that
tein could not feel anything. He had no clue or idea what would come out
of that thing. He looked behind him and saw three glowing auras
blasting towards his direction.
"Good," he thought, " the others found me, hopefully they saw what I
saw." Tein turned up the power and flew towards the object even faster
then before.
Krillian led the pack his salt and pepper her waving in the wind as he
flew in the direction of tein.
"What the hell is he doing?" Krillian said dusting his old gi off he
hadn't warn in ages. Krillian was visibly older then most of the others
even tho age wise, he wasn't.
"I have no idea, this isn't what we had planned. It couldn't have been
more simple then what we said. Get the egg that Tein kept blabbing
about, shoot into the sky, go to bulmas. When the hell did we say run
with the thing west?" Yamcha said to krillian and chiotuzu. Chiotzu
stayed quiet but felt something the others didn't feel. Trouble.
Tein pushed foward and stopped mid air when he was about a mile away.
He could see the pod. It was cracked and broken from the crash. He flew
around a little more to get a better view. What he saw stopped his
breath. Laying on the floor collapsed was a beautiful woman. Slim, long
legs and vibrant white hair. She wore a long white robe or tunic. And
beautiful fur white belt held it together.
The other reached Tein and saw what he saw. They didn't say a word they
watched in amazement. After a couple of moments of just staring. Yamcha
spoke up.
"Yeah wow, I think we should go down and see if she is ok. " Krillian
Chiotzu stayed quiet and didn't budge. Tein looked over.
"Everything ok buddy?"
Chiotzu shoke his head. "I don't feel right about this."
"Nonesense," you know I can tell these things instantly now come on!" he
demanded and flew down. Chiotzu sighed and followed.
After landing softly yamcha walked up to the body.
"Maam are you ok?" he said lightly poking at the body. The others stood
behind him. Yamcha tried again. No movement no reaction just laid still.
Tein passed the egg to chiotzu and walked up to yamcha.
"Let me give it a shot." He was amazed by her beauty, she was indeed
utterly beautiful. Krillian just stared blushing.
"Excuse me miss can you hear me?" he said as he checked her pause. It
was racing but she was not responding.
"Maybe we can take her to bulma we can rejuvinize her/ Put her in one of
those pods?" Krillian said slightly excited at his idea.
Tein nodded. "That is what we will do then." Tein turned around to look
at the body. It was already off the ground and in Yamcha's arms. He
stood there smiling.
"Heh lets go!" yamcha said.
Moments later they were off.
"We shouldn't be doing this I can feel such a strong evil from this
woman. I hope we are ready for this." Chiotzu thought to himself.
"And why not??" Vegita declared to his son.
Trunks looked at pan. She was confused he could see it in her face.
"Its not complete and its dangerous at the momment if I try to explain
it or demonstrate it probably would harm you guys. I'm sorry dad I just
can't tell you yet." Trunks said looking down at the ground.
"Boy if you don't tell me i'll..." he was forced to stop gohan's cell
phone began to ring. "What the devil is that noise?" vegita asked
"Excuse me," Gohan lifted a finger to be excused. And opened the phone.
"Yeah uub what's up? Yeah...okay....no I understand but was he at least
strong?.....uh huh.... then no tell him sorry we aren't
interested....what....wait what???"
Everyone stood around confused watching gohan speak on the phone waving
his arms around.
"Why did you waste my time with all that other crap. The piccolo news
should have been first on the list of things to tell me." Gohan hung up

Dec 2, 2007

Chapter 3 - Cafeta Saga

"What the hell? Is is that tr-tr-unks?" Vegita said standing up quickly
sensing the huge power comming from the north. It felt like his son and
then it vanished. "That power? It can't be him."
Vegita stood up and walked to his closet. He ripped the hawaiian shirt
off his chest and stood infront of the closet bare chested and in blue
jeans. He grabbed a white wife beater and put it on over his head.
"It seems my boy has been training to reach such a power level," Vegita
thought to himself. He knew trunks was no match for him in levels but if
he was able to reach such a level so quickly then it would mean he could
do it as well. Vegita stood at the window.
"Let the real training begin..I'm comming boy."
Trunks took a walked through the rubble. "Fuck all my work destroyed it
going to take for ever to build another Ki Developer. For now at least I
have the one on my wrist," he said mumbling to him self. He felt two
large ki levels comming his way. He knew who it was and didn't worry as
long as his dad or mom don't find out what just happened he was fine.
Although he had a feeling Pan would yell at him too. He truned around
and looked at the two flying towards him.
"Hey Gohan, Pan, down here." Trunks said as he waved them down. Gohan
noticed trunks and looked over at his daughter. She had a huge smile on
her face and instantly flew ahead of gohan towards the purple haired
"Wait pan. Damn it that girl and her hormones." Gohan said and flew
faster to catch up.
Trunks stood in place as pan flew right at him, tackling him with a
great glomp.
"Whoa babe calm down" trunks said hugging her in return.
"Calm down I never get to see you and your always busy don't tell me to
calm down. If I see you I'm going to get excited and...." pan looked
around. "What happened here? Where you attacked are you ok?"
gohan landed softly on the rubble. "This is one hell of a mess trunks is
everything okay?" gohan said looking at the two.
Trunks quickly let go of pan and blushed. "Um yes everythings fine. Just
a miscalculation on something I was working on. Luckly no one was in the
building and I built it plenty far from any town or city..." trunks
looked at gohans familiar orange and black outfit. "Haven't seen you
wear that in a while."
Gohan looked at himself up and down real quick. "Yeah well lately I've
just been having a weird feeling. Figured I should wear the weighted
suit." Trunks looked at him strangely.
"What weird feeling?"
Can't put my finger on it but its going to be big, I think, but anyway
what's the project you have been working on?" gohan finished.
"Can't really say." Trunks said and turned to pan. Her face was flushed
with anger. "Wh-whats wrong with you?"
her voice.
"No no way I was talking to both of you babe don't be like th..." trunks
sentence was interupted as all three of them felt yet another anormous
ki flying in there direction. Trunks expression changed. His eyes widend
and his jaw dropped.
"Fuck..its dad. He is going to kill me." He starts moving back wards.
Nothing was like the wrath of vegita. Gohan started to laugh.
"Its vegita so what that's your dad why are you reacting like that."
"Yeah but this was his building. I just used it." Trunks said with a
hand behind his head, nervous." Gohan and Pan's reaction matched that of
trunks after what he said.
Vegita approched fast he could already see that the building was gone he
could sense his son but really couldn't tell who the other two were. He
assumed the worst and flew faster.
"Hang on boy I'm comming..." but the worst wasn't the case vegita saw
the three.
"Kakorats boy and that brat my sons seeing? But why would trunks power
level have been so high?" vegita shifted his weight and started to
"What is the meaning of this?" vegita said looking at the three. "Tower
7 is gone? What happened." Vegita said planting his feet and crossing
his arms.
"I had an accident dad it just went out of control"
"Hey vegita," gohan said. Vegita walked right past him.
"What kind of accident? I want an explination."
Trunks moved back slowly.
"Um well you see I've been working on this thing," pointing at his
watch, "its not just a watch like it looks. But I can't tell you what it
does just yet."
In the middle of an icy nowhere stood a man in desperate search for
something he has felt for a few weeks now. He looked around for hours
and gave up on his search. If he told the others what he believed he
felt they would call him crazy. But he knows that essense he has felt it
over and over again. His third eye tells him its close but nowhere could
he find what he was looking for. Tein forced himself to ignore the cold
weathers. He warmed himself with the heat of his ki. He refused to fly
and find it, for then he might miss it. He walked up the icy path some
more. He closed both his eyes and only alowed his third eye to search.
But nothing. No heat signatures, no raising or lowering power levels.
Just that one power level staying completely still. He look back the way
he came to see if the others found anything yet. No krillian, and yamcha
still haven't tried reaching him. He took one step foward and tripped on
something hard.
Tein caught his balance and looked on what he tripped on. It was an egg
and the was frozen. He closed his eyes once more. The power he sensed
came from the egg.
"I knew it....piccolo." Tein said smiling and grabing the egg in his
hands. The egg was frozen hard. But he could feel the power level inside
was strong. He blinked his three eyes with joy.
"What I felt was right. Lets hope the egg is piccolo and kami fused as
one still and not just piccolo. Who knows what way that will turn. He
stood up and shot a ki blast into the sky to allow the others to know he
found it. As he followed his blast into the sky he picked up on
something else. Something much more powerful then the egg. He looked in
the sky and saw a craft of some sort falling out of the sky in flames
falling towards the dessert in the distance.
"What the hell is that??" tein hopped into the air and flew toward the
craft with egg on his side.
"Hopefully the guys will see it to and go that way." Tein thought as he
flew in the direction toward the desserts.

Chapter 2 - Cafeta Saga

"What are you doing here?" vegita asked.
"What I can't visit my best friend?"
"That I'm not" vegita responded.
"Same ol' vegita what are we watching?" the voice said.
Vegita turned his head and looked at the man beside him. Orange gi with
a monkey king patch on his right peck. Funky hair do and a yellow halo
over his head.
"Nothing." Vegita responded. So why are you really here?
"Ha you know me better then I thought. Before piccolo passed on he laid
another egg." Son goku said with a serious face.
"Another egg? The namek?" vegita asked confused.
"Mmhm" goku knodded. " it gets better because of the weather conditions
in that last fight he was in....it froze. Not allowing him to hatch. And
if he hatches..."
"A new set of dragon balls..." vegita said slowly.
"Yup and trust me you need them."
"We NEED them? Why? So we can wish you back kakorat? Those brats may beg
for you to come back but I don't need you. I'm the pr..."
"Prince of all sayins yada yada. Yeah I know. But to be honest I am
happy where I am. I am with grandpa and he has trained a lot and is
eternally training me at the same time. I'm actually really happy.
Although.. I do miss you guys. But I'm not here asking you to wish me
back. Do that only if you need me. I'm here to warn you." Goku stated.
"Warn me about what???" vegita asked confused as he changed the
"King kai and I sense something really powerful heading in the direction
of earth. This power started off small but over the past few months it
has increased dramatically. I don't know if its friend or foe. But one
thing is for sure....you don't want to be unpraperd if it is indeed the
second of the two." Goku said extreamly seriously. "Its up to you
vegita, my friend, to train the guys because it has been many years. I
have to go now they are calling me. If you need me ask the new dragon. I
doubt it will be shenlong....I mean he really isn't to happy with us."
Goku stood up placed his index and middle fingers to his forhead and
vanished. Vegita sat there not sure how to take the news. He looked down
at the small gut he was acumulating.
"I need to get into shape." He said crushing the remote in his hand.
Trunks sat at his desk with his soddering tool. He soddered wires
together in side one of his new gadgets. A normal person would need eye
gaurds for the amount of sparks flying off the machine, but not trunks,
the sparks didn't compare to the strikes he has felt in the past. Trunks
blew the strand of long purple hair from his face. He needed to finish
this device to prove to his father that he was not a failure. His
father, vegita, constantly reminded him that he was the prince of
capsule corp. He was royalty and royalty does not fail. Trunks new in
his heart that it was non sense. But what son doesn't want the approval
of his father?
He sat back and took in a deep breath. The room smelled of burnt metal.
Trunks closed his eyes and smirked.
"Three weeks but I finally finished the damn thing. Trunks closed the
front of the mechanism and flipped it so that the top of it faced the
ceiling. It was small, he knew this, but it didn't have to be big. To
the normal person it would look like a simple wrist watch. But to any
trained individual it was much much more. He pressed the button on the
side and watched the neon green light power up on the screen. The time
read 11:42d. He didn't realize it was day time already he worked all
night on the device. He began to hear the mechanics of the watch start
running. He smiled, "come on work damn it," he said staring at the unit.
The unit began to flash the word "10x" on the screen. He grabbed it and
placed it on his wrist. Instantly his body bursted into a yellow aura.
His hair turned gold and started spiking up everything in the room
started flying around the power was to intense for the objects in the
room to stay in place. He tried charging his ki. Intsnatly the yellow
aura became intensafied the ground started shaking and the walls began
to crack. What was happening he has never felt such power alone. But it
felt familiar.
"Ahhhhhhh" he yelled and the whole building began to shake at his yell
he couldn't control it he couldn't stop it. What came next shocked him
much much more. He felt the roots of his hair began to pull. As if
someone was pulling his super sayin locks of hair out. It hurt it stung
he didn't understand what was happening.
His locks of gold hair grew down below his waist the yellow aura dimmed
and he stoond there. The building around him was destroyed. He looked at
himself in the reflection of a broken mirror shard on the floor and
"I did it, I am now a super sayin level 3. On my own, with no Goten.
Father will be proud." He turned off the watch by pressing the button to
the left. The light turned off. And just as fast as when he turned on
for the first time, when he turned it off he was normal purple haired
trunks standing in the middle of a broken building.
Pan jumped out of bed, ran out of her room and into her fathers room.
"DADDYYYY," she yelled." She saw her father putting on his orange gi and
strapping on his black boots.
"Yeah hunny, I felt it to. I'm going to head in that direction you
comming?" Gohan said as he tied his boots. Pans eyes lit up, "re re
really you want me to come?" she said following it with a " yeah of
course but dad you didn't feel who it was???" she finished.
Gohan looked at his teenage daughter confused. " you know who that power
would be?"
Pan nodded, "its trunks. Or at least it started out as trunk but it grew
intansely, come on lets go." She headed towards the window.
Gohan smiled "ok we can go see what's up, for a second I thought it was
something we would have had to worry about."
Cafeta laid with her eyes closed in her capsule. It has been almost a
year since her people stuck her in this machine and forced her eviction
from cactune, her home, her kingdom. As the year passed, her heart grew
with anger towards her people. The anger grew into hatred and soon
that's all she knew. Her power levels were low inside this machine she
was weak. She didn't need food. She designed the machine to feed her
thru microscopic bits that's filled the airs oxygen. Her hatred was
fueled more as the days went by. She couldn't raise her power level, but
she learned to embrase the concept of no streghth. She knew that if one
day she landed somewhere that place she would land she will rule. And
with the army she builds she will return back home and slaughter every
single one of those white furry tailed creatures, the cantunians.
She laughed at the the thought. As she laughed she remembered a memory
of her first kill. She laughed then as well. She remembered being young
and standing over her mother in tears, scared. Her mother yelled "don't
do this don't be like your father..." cafeta didn't know her father
never met him. She was tired of her mother telling her not to be like
him. She didn't know him at all so why would it matter. She knew however
he was a king. So that had to mean she was able to be a queen an
empress. And that moment of realization made her snap. She opened her
and and placed it at her mothers face. "I'm not like him mother...he
didn't have the balls to shut you up" cafeta said as her hands began to
glow. A giant light filled the room. Cafeta blew the skin off her
mothers face and burt her crisp with her attack.
Cafeta laughed again hard. She felt herself more determined the more she
thought about her past and her future. She closed her eyes and fell
asleep waiting for the moment she would finally land somewhere.

Chapter 1 - Cafeta Saga

The sun began to rise over the mountains and horizons. Pan opened her eyes and stretched.
"Wow is it morning already?" she asked her self as she stood up off the rock she fell asleep on.
" I better get home before dad wakes up." She blurted out while running in the opposite direction of the sun. She began to run faster as the ground she was darting on became more and more narrow. The edge of the cliff she was on was approaching just a few steps away. She placed her arms on the side of her body and dove off closing her eyes as she did so. Her body ignited in a blue aura and began to take flight in the direction of her house. Pan's face was still and concentrated. She learned to fly ages ago when she was just a little girl. But now at 18 years of age, she began to notice it as routine not as an ability she learned. She thought about it a lot. Everything is routine now. Nothing interesting happens anymore. Not like when her grandfather was around. Things have been pretty easy for her and her friends for many years now. She was indeed her grand fathers grand daughter. She loved the fight. It runs in her blood. But with out the dragon balls, nothing bad ever happens anymore. Of course little things do turn up. But nothing the police can't handle.
She approached her house and toned down her ki. She didn't want her dad sensing her and giving her a lecture about sneaking out at night again. She approached her window and opened it.
"There has to be something out there that could make this life exciting again." She thought as she entered her room.
Her room was plastered with images of family and friend. Pictures of pan and her mom. Her and trunks at prom. Piccolo and pan training for the budokai. School pictures and hundreds more. But her most prized picture sits next to her bed and she looks at every time she lays down. A picture of her grandfather goku and her standing next to one of trunk's ships. She missed him so much. He meant everything to her. To the left of her bed she had magazine pictures ripped out from martial arts magazine. Every year they had articles and pictures of the legendary goku and the legendary Mr. Satan her other grandfather. She laid in bed closed her eyes and waited for her alarm to go off.
Deep in the outer reaches of space, further then namek further then old vegita but not much further is a planet much different then earth for it is only a couple hundred years old. Sister planet to the once powerful planet vegita. This planet was small and outside the reach of old vegitas final destruction blast. In this planet was a race that kept to them selves. The people, much like the sayins had tails as well. But they mostly all scientist the planet was well advanced. The planet was names Cactune. The Cactunians you could say were the civil version of the sayin kind. They would work and raise there young to grow into smart adults. But just like any planet, there is always that one bad seed. That seed was the beautiful Cactunian, Cafeta. She was a beautiful creature with a perfect figure and curves. Her eyebrows were nicely shaped and her hair was short and bobbed with a small widows peak hair line. But as beautiful as she was, she was trouble since day one. Born with the fighters spirit and pride of the sayin race and the wisdom of the Cactune race. Myth has it she is half sayin half cactunian. But that is something no one knows just her. Since she was young she fought every child in school that stood in her way. As she grew older she learned how to build power levels in her body using the science she learned in class. By the time she was 23 she killed hundreds with one goal in mind, enslave and rule the population. Finally by the time she was 26 years old they caught her using a technology that reverses her power levels. They used the technology she invented to raise her power levels and reversed it to do the opposite but only worked while she was inside the machine. With no power level or energy she couldn't break the doors open. The cactunians voted in agreement to exile her from the planet. And days later her machine was blasted off into space so they could live in peace.
"You can't even lay a kick on me! Come on son!" Goten said to his son Goran, a dark blue haired 8 year old wearing a familiar orange gi. His very short hair allowed you to see the resemblance of his father.
"I'm trying you are to fast dad, it’s not fair. Mommmm dad won't let me hit him." Goran said pointing at Goten. Bra lay on her lawn chair wearing glasses and a bikini catching rays of the sun.
"Goten let our son hit you" she said not raising her head.
Goran rose into the air and tried to kick his dad. Goten blocked it and moved back.
" But babe your dad said if I don't train him right that he will come and get me," Goten said to his wife. Bra sat up and and looked at the two. "Daddy? Ha daddy is a puppy you can't take him serious."
Goten's mouth dropped at the thought of Vegita being called a puppy. Goran jumped "hiyaaaa" he yelled hitting his dad with a barrage of punches in the face. Goten caught his guard and blocked his sons punches and shouldered him in the chest pushing him back a few feet. " good son you caught me off guard that's great!"
"Really?" he said excited rubbing his chest.
"Yes but lets gets serious. Lets go super ok?" Goten said to his son.
"Mmhmm." Goran said making his face serious.
Goten placed his arms and fists to his sides yelled. Instantly a swirl of wind rose around his feet a yellow aura shone around his body. He looked at his son ashis eyes went from black to green. He smirked because he can see his reflection in Goran's eyes. His hair was gold. He became a super sayin.
Goran nodded knowing it was his turn. He followed his dads footsteps. Except his yell wasn't as intense as his dads. The second he felt his eyes dilate and felt his body get lighter in weight he charged at his father. His punches were fierce fast and strong. Goten couldn't help smiling as his son fought with the passion that his father fought with.
Goran spun back and landed on the ground softly and smirked.
"SPIRALING SUNSHOWER!!" Goran yelled raising his hand up in the air. Gotens eyes grew wide. He had never seen this before but no energy was emitting from his sons hands. He looked around and suddenly felt a spike of ki. He looked up and saw what seemed seven beams showering down on him he flew backwards fast but right before the beams were about to hit the ground they spiraled together into one and swung itself horizontally to the ground. Directly at goten the beam flew. Goten crossed his arms and prepared to feel the blast by trying to block it.
"Bulma damn it woman where is my fruit punch!" vegita said looking in the fridge. His eyes widened upset because he couldn't find his favorite drink.
"Veggie I told you" bulma said before getting interrupted
"Don't call me that! I am royalty. You don't call royalty veggie its an insult" he lashed at her.
Bulma rolled her eyes.
"Sorry lord veg..."
"Prince...." he corrected her.
"Sorry prince vegita.." She said sarcastically, "I told you to go get some I have 2 meetings today and no time to get your magesties precious fruit punch." She said walking past him. "I'll see you later baby, and um vegita?" she said turning around.
"What?" he said crossing his arms.
"When I get home we can play prince vegita and slave girl bulma." She said winking at him. Vegitas face turned from annoyed to pleased.
"I will see you later then...peasant." He said walking to the other room.
Vegita sat on the couch and turned on the TV. He surfed through the channels to see if anything good would be on. Nothing was on....nothing was ever on. What does one do when your only reason to live was to be better then your strongest rival. And in the end you ended up admiring him. Well that's how vegita felt on a daily bases.
"Kakorot you fool..." he whispered.
"What you miss me?" a familiar voice said right next to him.